Principal Investigators

Widener University
I’m interested in expanding ecology and evolutionary biology research opportunities for undergraduate students. My research interests are evolution of life history traits and morphological variation of invertebrate taxa.

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
The George Washington University
I'm interested in improving equity and expanding access to undergraduate research through CUREs.

Curator of Mollusks
Delaware Museum of Natural History

Curator of Birds and Director of Collections
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Project Coordinator

Collections Manager, Museum of Vertebrate Biology at Portland State University
Science Communication Intern

Undergraduate Student, The George Washington University
Steering Committee Members

Ph.D. student, University of Florida & the Florida Museum of Natural History

Professor of Biology
Finger Lakes Community College

Assistant Professor of Biology
Lincoln University

Education, Outreach, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator, iDigBio at the Florida Museum of Natural History

Director, UF Biodiversity Institute, Distinguished Professor & Curator,
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida

Assistant Professor of Biology
Gettysburg University