The Biological Collections Ecology and Evolution Network – fostering undergraduate scientific exploration using natural history specimen data.
BCEENET is a community of undergraduate educators, natural history curators, education experts, and data experts who support the development and implementation of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in ecology and evolution, using data from digitized natural history collections (dNHCs). Undergraduate research increases student engagement, retention, and long-term success and is essential for building a scientifically literate and engaged workforce, and embedding research experiences in courses is especially important for underrepresented students who may experience barriers to accessing traditional research experiences.
In 2020, supported by an NSF RAPID grant, our members collaborated to create 4 flexible CUREs that use dNHC data. BCEENET provides training, curriculum materials, and support for faculty who implement a CURE. Since 2020, BCEENET has brought research experiences to over 2000 undergraduates.
If you are interested in learning more, about our organization or the CUREs, please join our mailing list or contact us at bceenetwork@gmail.com.